Filtering by: “Adult Workshop”
Kintsugi for Beginners

Kintsugi for Beginners

Sunday October 6th, 3pm-5pm

Kintsugi is a traditional Japanese art form in which gold is used to repair broken ceramics. The practice of Kintsugi highlights the break rather than erasing it and emphasizes that the break is what makes the ceramics more valuable and beautiful. In this beginner’s workshop, participants will learn the basic technique of Kintsugi on a small porcelain plate or a small ceramic plate to understand the fundamentals of this process.

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Oracle Card Making with Mixed Media Workshop

Oracle Card Making with Mixed Media Workshop

with Jackie Lakely
Saturday, November 16th, 10am - 4pm

Oracle cards mean different things to different people, but I see them as intuitive, uplifting messages to your future self, or visual ideas/messages/thoughts that you like to have around you. If you would like to create a series of twelve 6”x8” mixed media cards as messages to your future self or as intuitive seeds for future creative endeavors, or something entirely your interpretation of what they mean to you, I will guide you through the process of constructing them in this workshop.

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SUNDAY Figure Drawing Non-Instructional with Model

SUNDAY Figure Drawing Non-Instructional with Model

Sunday, September 8th, 10am - 1pm
Model: Mia Kelly

This figure session will be a clothed model session open to teens 12+ as well as adults.

This is the traditional OPAL Sunday figure session for drawing from a live model. These are 3-hour, non-instructional figure drawing sessions. Work on your figure-drawing skills at your own self-directed pace!

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Experimental Drawing with Pia Cruzalegui

Experimental Drawing with Pia Cruzalegui

Saturday August 3, 10am - 3pm

Explore the art of drawing in its purest form. Expand your drawing, gesture and mark-making skills and re-energize your drawing and painting. Gesture and mark-making are the building blocks to transforming ordinary-well observed drawing into dynamic and engaging self-expressive works of art.

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Exterior & Interior Landscapes: Writing Poems from Nature and Art with Hila Ratzabi

Exterior & Interior Landscapes: Writing Poems from Nature and Art with Hila Ratzabi

Sunday July 21, 1-3pm
The world is filled with sources of inspiration if we just slow down and connect with our senses. Deepening our attention to the natural world and to visual art can serve as entry points into writing poetry. In this experiential workshop, we will read poems that draw on nature and art and then try out some poetry writing exercises of our own.

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