Oak Park Art League presents new group exhibit ‘UnderConstruction’, Wednesday Journal
Review: Abandoned Spaces Come to Life at the Oak Park Art League
News: Oak Park Art League receives pandemic relief grant from Landmarks Illinois
Review: The Oak Park Art League’s New Exhibit Is All About Entanglements Pioneer Press
Reading with Local Authors
The Oak Park Art League is pleased to create space for authors to share their work at literary readings and open mic events throughout the year.
Our next reading is Sunday March 23, 1-3pm featuring four writers reading selections from their books and followed by an open mic opportunity for anyone in attendance.
Our featured writers are Margot McMahon, Sandra Wilcoxon, April Nauman, Maureen Connolly
The next round of #The100DayProject starts February 23, 2025.
OPAL will support those participating with our #100dayprojectOPAL on social media and a meet up midway through and wrap up and review meeting. Check out what we did last year and join in!
Writer’s Circle
Next meeting July 21, workshop with Hila Ratzabi, pre-registration required
Book Launch Reading @ OPAL
Sunday March 10, 2-4pm
This event will include an After Hours Contributors Open Mic,
Featuring After Hours #47 Featured Writer Yolanda Nieves,
Followed by Albert DeGenova reading from his new book Human Nature, poems of witness. Book cover art by Jonathan Franklin
Saturday March 2nd at 2pm
The group of artists presenting Essence of Mark-Making will host a talk in the gallery and share their process and what is behind the drawings they are creating. This event is free and open to the public.