Storytelling Event

We are proud to facilitate a night of queer storytelling as part of our August exhibition, It's A Sign: Queering the Gallery. We welcome folks to participate in the event by sharing a story representing themselves as an LGBTQ+ individual. The event will be filmed by the Gerber/Hart Library and Archives.
Gerber/Hart is also seeking donations of books or other historical materials related to the LGBTQ+ community and our history, if you have any such materials please consider bringing them to the event.

More about Gerber Hart:
Gerber/Hart is a LGBTQ+ library and archives located in the Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago. Founded in 1981, Gerber/Hart is one of the largest repositories of LGBTQ+ content in the world. Gerber/Hart focuses on collecting, preserving, and making accessible the LGBTQ history and culture of Chicago and the Midwest. Learn more at or by following @gerberhart on Instagram and Facebook. And for a deep dive into some of the amazing collections at Gerber/Hart, listen in to their 2022 podcast Unboxing Queer History!


It’s a Sign: Queering the Gallery


Artist In Residence: Bethany Cordero